If you’re new to yoga, or just new to our studio, it can feel a little disconcerting if you don’t know the ropes.  Our goal is to have a place to practice together where everyone can feel comfortable, so here are a few tips that may help you to feel like a seasoned yogi in no time!

What should I bring?  And do I need a mat?

Feel free to just bring yourself!  You can either bring your own mat or borrow one of our community mats at no charge.  Some people like to bring a towel and a water bottle (we have a water cooler), but neither are necessary. We provide all the other props you might need.

I have never done yoga before.  Is that OK?

If you have never done yoga before, you are perfect for Shaanti Yoga!  We think we do a good job at facilitating a great introductory practice for those who are new to yoga, while also providing options for more challenging poses for those who are more experienced in their practice.  A good place to start is in our various gentle classes, which are a little slower-paced than the “hatha flow” classes; however, if you are new and would like to attend a hatha flow class, feel free to let the instructor know ahead of time and they will make sure you are taken care of during your session.  We also have a Beginners class that is designated for beginner’s or people that haven’t practiced for a long time. It’s a great way to refresh and get back to the basics.

What do I wear? 

We recommend comfortable clothing of any kind.  Some people are most comfortable in loose clothing, while others find that fitted athletic pants (or yoga pants) make it easier for feet and hands to “stick” during certain poses.  Want to rock your alma mater’s t-shirt on Saturdays to get excited for the big game?  We think that is awesome!  Have a pair of old sweatpants that are the softest you have ever felt?  Perfect.  Just let us know where you got them so we can get a pair.

Is there a place to leave my things?

Yes!  We have cubbies right when you walk in the door.

Do I have to sign up ahead of time, even if I am just dropping in?

Yes, we must have all visitors register an account with us and sign up for class.  You can either sign-up on line at www.shaanti.yoga ahead of time or simply arrive 10-15 minutes early so we can set up an account for you  We made the process to sign up  very quick and painless, if that helps!

What if I arrive while the prior class is in session, may I come in the studio anyway? 

Classes are scheduled such that you may arrive up to 15 minutes in advance of each class to use the restroom, change, or settle in.  If you arrive early and the prior class is still in session, we ask that you stay outside of the yoga studio if possible.  If you need to enter to use the restroom or change clothes and the door adjacent to the facility is open.

Do I have to take off my shoes?

Traditionally, yoga is practiced barefoot.  Practicing barefoot makes it easier for you to spread out your feet and build some strength and balance in the feet and ankles.  Since everyone is barefoot, we try to keep the floor clean.

I’m not flexible - can I do yoga?  What do I need to do to prepare?

If you’re not flexible, then you are perfect for yoga!  Yoga practice helps us to build flexibility and strength - all of us are strong in some ways, flexible in some ways.  We’re here to help you increase your flexibility and your strength, so don’t let those imagined weaknesses hold you back.  You don’t need to do anything to prepare for class, although in general it is better not to practice yoga on a full stomach - so it is a good idea not to eat a big meal right before class.

What if I’m late?  What if I have to leave early?

Of course we would love it if everyone could come right on time and stay until the end, but that’s not always how our lives work out.  If you need to come into class late, by all means do!  But since you’ll be walking into a class that is already going, we’d ask that you try to be quiet as you take off shoes, grab your props, and find a place to lay out your mat.  If you know you’ll have to leave early, let your instructor know ahead of time so she or he can let you know when you should finish up your postures and settle down on the mat for Savasana.

About Savasana - why do we take a nap at the end?

The final pose of a yoga practice is called Savasana (Sha-vah-sah-na), which in Sanskrit means “corpse pose.”  It is an important part of the practice (some of us would say it’s the most important part of the asana practice!); it’s a time for your body to be still after all the stretching and breathing.  It’s almost like hitting a ‘reset’ button, and for a lot of us, it’s one of the few times in the day when we are still and quiet without sleeping (so, it’s not really supposed to be a nap!)  For that reason, if you need to leave early, you’ll want to take a couple of minutes to lie still before you leave.  And importantly, we ask that you not leave class once Savasana has begun, so that we can be still and quiet together.  Trust us, after the first couple of practices, Savasana will be your favorite pose!

Can I bring a friend/spouse/co-worker to try it out?

We would love to meet them!  Please make sure they create an account and register for a class online. We would suggest for anyone that has never been here before to try our introductory offer of $39 for 14 days of unlimited yoga.

I am not sure how often I will come.  Can I still be a member?

Sure!  If you plan on attending less than twice a week on average, we recommend purchasing our 10-pack or 20-pack options, which are priced less than our drop-in rate.

I have a question that is still unanswered.  Who should I contact?

If you have any questions about your class, or the poses, or just want to know why we do what we do in practice, ask your instructor!  We are all happy to share yoga with you, and are thrilled to answer any questions you have.  E-mail us at info@shaanti.yoga or call us at (425) 931-6079. You can also drop in any time in the mornings or evenings to talk to our manager - Janet who will gladly answer any questions you have and show you our wonderful space:)